Walking is an excellent way to burn fat; it’s also easy, and it costs nothing. The only thing you need is a good pair of walking shoes and motivation! There is one thing I didn’t mention, though. No matter how much you’ll walk, if you don’t control your alimentation, don’t expect to see exceptional results. But don’t worry about this; I’ve got you covered. In this article, you’ll find the best tips on how to lose weight by walking every day no matter the age, gender, or weight.
Why Do We Gain Weight?
- 1 Why Do We Gain Weight?
- 2
- 3 How Walking Helps You Lose Weight?
- 4 Why Am I Walking Every Day and don’t Lose Any Weight?
- 5 How Fast You Need to Walk to Lose Weight?
- 6 Two Mistakes You Should Avoid
- 7 How to Build Your Walking Habit
- 8 How Often Should You Walk?
- 9 How to Use Interval Walking for Weight Loss
- 10 Is Just Walking Enough to Lose Weight
- 11 Should You Walk With Weights?
- 12 What Weight Should You Carry?
- 13 My Final Words
Well… the answer to this question is because people eat the wrong food! An overweight person is not necessarily someone who overeats. In most cases, it’s often the opposite. Researches show that only 15 % of obese overeat and consume per day(2800 to 4000 calories), 35% of obese eat per day (2000 to 2700 calories), and 50% of obese eat only (800 to 1500 calories). This means calories have nothing to do with gaining weight or losing weight. Researches have shown that it’s the secretion of insulin in the blood that stores fat and not calories. The higher the glycemic index in the food, the more insulin it produces, and the more you gain weight. For instance: If you eat 100 calories of chocolate, you will gain more weight than would if you eat 100 calories of carrots. I hope you agree with this.
How Walking Helps You Lose Weight?
It has been proven by medical studies that overweight people produce more insulin than those who have a normal BMI. This is one of the reasons why they are overweight. When you eat refined carbs, your pancreas secretes insulin, and it makes your blood sugar spike and when there is an excess of blood sugar in the blood, it converts into fat. By exercising regularly, your pancreas lowers the secretion of insulin in the blood, and as a result, it burns energy and you lose weight. But if you exercise every day and eat bad carbs, don’t expect to get rid of your extra pounds. You may lose a few pounds initially, but if you don’t adopt good alimentation habits, it will just stop, and you won’t continue losing weight.
Why Am I Walking Every Day and don’t Lose Any Weight?
If you are walking every day and don’t see any result, you are probably not walking at the right pace and not enough miles. Another reason could be that you are eating food with a high glycemic index like white bread, sugar, sugary soft drinks, potatoes, white rice, etc. It’s also possible that your body resists insulin due to hypocaloric diets. There are other factors that come into play such as age, menopause, hypothyroidism, to name a few. If it’s the case, you’ll have to get a checkup. No matter the cause, you’ll need to change your eating habits, walk faster and longer distances. The best would be to walk 40 to 60 minutes a day at a brisk pace. If you are a beginner walker, add one mile gradually to your weekly routine. But you should aim for 10.000 steps (5 miles) a day to see good results on your scale.
How Fast You Need to Walk to Lose Weight?
Of course, the faster you walk, the better. You should increase your heart rate to 55 or 60 percent of its max, which is an excellent rhythm for losing weight. The ideal would be to walk briskly for about 40 minutes, which is 3000 steps at the 100 steps a minute pace. And if you want something more challenging, aim for 130 per minute. You can measure your walking speed by counting the number of steps you take in 10 seconds and multiply the number by six. If you don’t want to bother gauging your pace, use a watch or a pedometer; these do a great job!
Two Mistakes You Should Avoid
1. We all make mistakes, no doubt about it. But when you are aware of them, you won’t repeat them twice or try not. After your walk, you might say, Oh yes, I walked 3 miles today, so I can eat whatever I want. Then you treat yourself to chocolate or cake. Well, sorry to disappoint you, but this just won’t work. You can eat as much as you want, but good carbs with a low GI.
2. The second mistake is sugary drinks. These beverages contain lots of sugar, and the more you drink them, the more you thirst—instead, drink water. As I said above, high glycemic index food provokes hikes in blood sugar levels, making your body store fat. So if you want to lose weight while walking, avoid bad carbs and drinks that contain sugar!
How to Build Your Walking Habit
Walking is a fantastic way to lose weight, but you need to be consistent and persistent. In other words, you need to build up!
Don’t overdo it, just start by walking 1 mile and gradually add some steps every day. Otherwise, you might give up before you reach your goal. Wouldn’t it be a shame? Like everything in life, patience wins the game. So don’t rush, especially if you are not ready.
Wearing the right gear is extremely important. You need a good pair of walking shoes to protect your feet and joints so you can walk comfortably without pain. You should also consider wearing workout clothes made of fabric that wick sweat away and keep you aerate while you walk.
If you are a new mom, you can push your stroller to increase the intensity of walking. Walking with a dog can be fun if he is well educated. Or walking with some friends is also fun, and it gives you motivation.
In short, walking should be enjoyable and not a task!
How Often Should You Walk?
You should walk briskly at least three times a week to see good results, maintaining a steady pace for a minimum of 45 minutes. If you interrupt your walking workout for a few days, don’t be too hard on yourself, but if you do it often, all your efforts will be wasted. So be consistent and STICK TO IT!
How to Use Interval Walking for Weight Loss
By integrating intervals into your walking workout, you’ll burn more fat. You just need to accelerate your walking pace and get back to a moderate pace. For instance, you could walk at an average of 3 mph for about 5 minutes, then accelerate and walk at a brisk 4 to 5 mph. Repeat this cycle for 40 minutes. On a treadmill, you don’t need to use interval walking to get a more vigorous intensity. Increasing the incline of the deck will do the same job.
Is Just Walking Enough to Lose Weight
The answer is YES and No! It all depends on how fast you walk, how consistent you stay, and what you eat. If you walk 4 to 5 times a week for 40 minutes at a brisk 4 mph and eat good food, there is no doubt you’ll lose weight. Walking also shapes your legs and bum, which is fantastic! However, walking is excellent for health and weight loss, but it doesn’t make you supple. Suppleness is very important, as this is what makes your joints stronger. Try to incorporate Yin Yoga in your walking workout. Not only will it help you become a better athlete, but it will also improve your health and concentration.
Should You Walk With Weights?
You can, if you want to, but I would suggest you to avoid carrying heavy weights because it could change your posture and stride and lead to injuries. Also, heavy weights put more stress on your joints, and if you have knee pain or back pain, it will worsen the situation. Researches have shown that light ankle and wrist weights of one to three pounds increase your heart rate and make you burn more fat without causing any injuries.
What Weight Should You Carry?
You can use light dumbbells; as I said above, one to three pounds will be sufficient. If you don’t have dumbbells, bring two bottles of water and carry one in each arm. If you want to have your hands free, wear a weighted vest, it does precisely the same job as the dumbbells but in a more natural way. A vest won’t make you feel like you are working hard because the weight is evenly distributed on your upper body. You can also carry a backpack, but it could cause or worsen lower back pain.
My Final Words
Walking is not only excellent for losing weight, but it also improves your health and boosts your mood. Remember, if you want to see results, you need to be consistent. Also, be patient, don’t overdo it, especially if you’re just starting. If you increase mileage too fast, you can get injured. Pain equals to do nothing; you won’t be able to walk and neither lose weight. Changing your eating habits is a good thing, but don’t starve yourself. It will do more bad than good to your body as it will break down your muscles instead of fat. So Eat low index glycemic food, Walk, Enjoy, and Lose Weight!
Did you lose weight by walking every day? If so, you are welcome to share your experience in the comments below.
I don’t know about you, but I love my feet because they allow me to walk and go wherever I want to go. Without them, I would be lost! So I always spoil them with a good pair of walking shoes to make sure they are as comfortable as possible. If you take care of your feet, they will take care of you and your health. Well, fitted shoes will protect them and allow you to get more steps without pain!
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